Singing can make you feel happy

Two years ago while I was attending the choir and symphony rehearsals for Christoph Eschenbach 's performance of Mahler's Second Symphony with the SWR Symphony Orchestra, I thought to myself: If I could ever sing in the choir for this piece, a dream will have come true. At the time, however, I was not singing in any choir. Now that I've been singing in the Untertürkheimer Kantorei for half a year, I realize that the experience would potentially be even richer than I had imagined. Back then I was thinking I would enjoy all the rehearsal time listening to the great music. Although I get a lot of joy from playing the piano, most of my musical enjoyment comes from listening to others make music. Little did I know how much joy singing in a group could make me. My father was the chaplain where I went to high school. At the end of each weekly service (for five of my most formative years) we sang " Oh God our help in ages past ". But he was up at the front of the ch...