Soon to be sitting in the string section

One place I never thought I'd sit is in the string section of an orchestra. I always thought that the long, arduous path to perfecting a string instrument must be impossible for someone who didn't grow up playing the instrument at a Suzuki school. Wrong I was - at least I believe so now. I've been playing the violin for nearly three weeks now and have already become fascinated by the tone and the possibilities of producing new sounds, ones impossible to make on the piano, the guitar or even with the human voice. After being shown how to hold the instrument and the bow by my teacher on Jan. 30, I came home and started reading the books she gave me ( Basics by Simon Fischer, Ivan Galamian's book on Fundamentals and Methods of Violin Technique , and two beginner's books for children) and began practicing what they preached and what they offered. I also discovered Michael Sanchez 's YouTube channel with his short videos with tips for violinists. He explains thin...