The "Goldberg" Variations by J.S. Bach

As was certainly the case with many other people, my first exposure to Bach's "Goldberg" Variations came via a recording of Glenn Gould's iconic 1955 CBS recording. Gould's interpretation featured beautiful polyphonic playing with quick tempi and no repeats. The Aria and 32 variations fit easily on an LP and sold like hotcakes, making him an international star, whereas he had previously been more of an insider tip. My first copy of the LP was purchased at the record store where I was working in 1985. If I had heard (of) the music before then, I can't recall. I thought Gould's playing was exciting and some of the variations pretty. Gould re-recorded the variations for CBS in 1981, shortly before his death at the age of 50. This recording stands out from most others on the market for being among the slowest. He had long retired from giving live performances, opting for the recording studio to preserve his status as a major figure in the world of music. He ...